Easy Tips - How to Calculate Your Grade and GPA

Grade and GPA Many students often worry whether they will pass the course after they fail one or more exams. Failing a course can result in lowering your overall GPA. However, if you know how to calculate your current grade and have an idea what you will get on your final exams, you will know what to expect in your semester grades.

Calculate your grade

Example 1

Grading scheme:

  • Two term tests 20%
  • Online assignment 4%
  • Paper assignment 6%
  • Final lecture exam 20%
  • Lab report 10%
  • Lab quiz 5%
  • Lab mid term 5%
  • Final lab exam 20%

What You got:

  • Term test (1) 43 = 4.30%
  • Term test (2) 42.5 = 4.25%
  • Online assignment with total mark 194 out of 201 (195:201)x(100) which equals to 96.5 = 3.86%
  • Paper assignment 75 = 4.5%
  • 10 lab reports total mark 116.5 out of 135 (116.5:135)x(100) which equals to 86 = 8.6%
  • 5 quizzes with total mark 57 out of 65 (57:65)x(100) which equals to 87.7 = 4.4%
  • Lab mid term with mark 36 out of 40 (36:40)x(100) which equals to 90 = 4.5%

Total: 34.41 %

  • Final exam unknown

  • Final lab exam unknown

  • Let’s say you are sure that you can get at least 60% in the lab exam and in the final exam, which means:

  • Final exam 12% and Final lab exam 12% (60% x 20% = 12)

  • So Total: Final Lecture + Lab final= 12 + 12 = 24 %

  • Overall total 34.41% + 24% = 58.41%

Final Grades Grading:
A+ = 95% to 100%
A = 85 % to 94%
B+ = 80% to 84%
B = 70% to 79%
C+ = 65% to 69%
C = 60% to 64%
D+ = 55% to 59%
D = 50% to 54 %
F = 0% to 49%

So 58.41% which means you will likely get D+

Example explained:

Depending on which college or university you attend, D+ can be considered “pass,” but it will lower your GPA. It will be safe if you drop the course before it’s too late. If you think you have a higher chance getting above 90% in both of your final exams, then you will likely get B which is still a good score. If you think you can’t get more than 60% on your final exam, you should consult your academic advisor if dropping a course is the most beneficial way to go.

Calculate your GPA

Example 2

Grade Point Values

A+ = 4.0
A = 3.8
B+ = 3.5
B = 3.0
C+ = 2.5
C = 2.0
D+ = 1.5
D = 1.0
F= 0

What you got (Winter 2015)

Bio 101 = B+ (credits 5) x 3.5 (Grade point value) = 17.5
Chem 101 = A+ (credits 5) x 4.0 (Grade point value) = 20
Eng 101 = B (credits 5) x 3.0 (Grade point value) = 15
Math 101 = A+ (credits 5) x 4.0 (Grade point value) = 20
PHY 101 = C (credits 5) x 2.0 (Grade point value) = 10

Total credits = 82.5 : 25 (total credits) = 3.3

Term GPA= 3.3

Calculate your GPA using online calculator

Here are some online calculators you can use to calculate your GPA.

Calculating your Grade and GPA will give you an idea what to expect in your academic achievement.
