Transportation is one of the many things you need to consider in preparing to go to college, and it can be sort of complicated. Riding a bike to and through campus is an increasingly common transportation method for college students.
Studying abroad is one of the best opportunities available for a college student. Being able to travel to a different country for a long period of time is a chance that is hard to come by once you graduate, so make sure you take advantage of it.
So, I’m here to talk about how my mental health problems of an anxiety disorder and depression have affected my academic life, and how I have been working to improve it.
Going to college can be a great time for everyone. It is the time when students are setting themselves up for success in the corporate world where they’ll finally get started on living life as independent adults.
College is the time when you need to get serious about your education, career goals and aspirations, in an effort to become employed and be an independent adult.
A college life is a journey you won’t ever forget. It’s the beginning stage of your education journey. Starting a college life isn’t easy, but you are going to survive if you know where you are going.
Stауing оn trасk in соllеgе iѕ еѕѕеntiаl tо ѕurviving. Dоrm room, roommate, еаting, ѕlеерing, studying, social lifе, and cash-flow аrе all fасtоrѕ thаt can grеаtlу influence the type оf соllеgе еxреriеnсе thаt уоu have.
Mаnу fresh high ѕсhооl graduates can’t wait to go tо соllеgе simply bесаuѕе thiѕ iѕ the vеrу time whеn they gеt the chance to be оn their оwn аnd livе with thеir peers.
My name is Daniel Tarnowski, and I suffer from Spinal Muscular Atrophy, which keeps me wheelchair bound, and unless medicines find a cure, probably always will. I’ve done my best not to let my disease define me, or control my life.
When I first moved to Canada, I faced the language barrier. I could speak English but not fluently. I knew if I ever needed to succeed in life and find a good job, I would need to master in English.